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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2007;22(3):189-196.
Zebrafish 발생기에서 TiO₂ (P-25) 나노 입자의 생물 독성
여민경, 조윤희
Bio-toxicity of Titanium Dioxide Nano Particles (P-25) in Zebrafish Development Stage
Min-Kyeong Yeo , Yoon Hee Jo
  TiO₂ is widely used because it is non-toxic. Recently, however, nanometer size TiO₂ particles (P-25) have been produced and used to increase the photo catalysis efficiency. Nanometer-sized TiO₂ is efficient, but due to its small size (20~30 ㎚), it can flow into ecosystems and into cells. Thus, it may affect human health. Additionally, TiO₂ can produce a second contaminant, OH-radical, which is a health risk for all living organisms during photo degradation reaction. Hence, when nanometer-sized TiO₂ flows into natural streams and attaches to living organisms, it will create health risks. We investigated the biological toxicity of this condition in zebrafish embryos.
  We observed abnormal morphology, hatching rate, and measured the catalase activity to determine antioxidation at 100 post fertilization hours. Zebrafish were somewhat affected by TiO₂ nanometer sized particles under UV-A (a condition similar to sunlight). Powdered TiO₂ is toxic to the zebrafish fly. Even without light, TiO₂ particles attached to embryos and flies, having an effect on both.
Keywords: TiO₂; nanometer sized; zebrafish; embryos; juvenile period; toxicity; catalase
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