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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2009;24(1):17-23.
Somite stage에 노출된 은나노 입자가 zebrafish 발생에 미치는 영향
홍석호, 송형귀, 정경준, 고광일, 여민경
Effects of Silver Nanoparticles Exposed in Somite Stage on Zebrafish Development
Suk ho Hong , Hyung Gwi Song , Kyeong-jun Jeong , Kwang Il Ko , Min-Kyeong Yeo
  Nanotechnology, one of the technologies that forms the core of the recent scientific innovation. is used much in our real lives. Especially products that use nano silver are being sold, with its positive characteristics resulting from the antibacterial effects of both nano materials and silver. But critiques have pointed out that nano silver diffused into everyday life too quickly as we do not have done any comprehensive research about the material, and worry that nano silver will affect the ecology adversely. Therefore, this research focuses on investigating the toxicity of silver nanoparticles first. To compare the effects of exposure to silver nanoparticles at pre-somite stage and somite stage (10 hours after fertilization), we exposed zebrafish embryos to silver nanoparticles(15, 30 ppt) during embryogenesis, and then checked the details of catalase enzyme activity. The hatch rate decreased in the silver nanoparticles exposed groups (15 and 30 ppt); furthermore, the hatched fishes had an abnormal notochord, damaged eyes and curved tail. The catalase activities of the 15 ppt exposed group at somite stage increased relative to those in the control group. Therefore, the silver nanoparticles could seriously damage the development of zebrafish embryos. Especially, exposure to silver nanoparticles at somite stage did severer damage than exposure since pre-somite stage did.
Keywords: nanoparticles; silver nano; somite stage; zebrafish; development
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