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Korean Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2002;17(2):175-185.
흰쥐에서 사염화 탄소로 유도된 간독성에 미치는 더위지기 추출물의 영향- II.더위지기 추출물의 투여용량이 사염화 탄소 독성에 미치는 효과
Effects of an Extract from A. gmelini Weber on Hepatotoxicity Induced by CCl₄ in Rats-II. Some Dosage Effects of an Extract from A. gmelini on Hepatotoxicity Induced by CCl₄ in Rats
To investigate effects of A. gmelini on the 14-day CCl₄ induced hepatotoxicity, extracts were prepared in 3 ml saline at the dose of 50, 500, 5,000 mg/kg b.w. to administer orally everyday and same concentration (1:9, CCl₄:olive oil v/v) of CCl₄ administered intraperitoneally with 2.5 ml/kg b.w. On the 7th day, hemanalysis showed following recovery values; AST 9.9~64.6%, ALT 36.9~71.9%, ALP 75.3~93.7%, BUN 53.8~59.7%, TBIL 60.4~100.0<%, TCHO 77.7~100.0<%, and TG 60.4~100.0<%. Even if, 14-day CCl₄induced hepatotoxicity recovery was found to depend on doses of extract, and recovery values of each treatment were AST 13.8~56.4%, ALT 15.7~68.0%, ALP 53.4~84.4%, BUN 76.9~100.0<%, TBIL 60.4~100.0<%, TCHO 82.6~99.3<%, and TG 56.7~99.7%. By histological examination of liver, hydropic degeneration, fatty change, lipid accumulation and necrosis were also recovered.
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