Objectives : Platinum nanoparticles (PNPs) are potentially useful for sensing, catalysis, and other applications in the biological and medical sciences. However, little is known about PNP toxicity. In this study, adverse effects of PNPs on the postnatal development of mouse pubs were investigated. Methods : PNPs (size: 20 ㎚) were prepared and orally administered to mice during premating, gestation, and lactation periods (0.25 ㎎/㎏, 0.5 ㎎/㎏, and 1 ㎎/㎏). Maternal and pup toxicity were evaluated. Results : PNPs did not affect blood biochemical parameters or mortality in dams during the experimental period. Histopathological signs were not observed and pup number was not different between the control and treated groups. Deformity and stillbirth were not observed in the pups. However, PNPs increased pup mortality and decreased the infant growth rate during the lactation period. Conclusion : PNPs may have adverse effects to the postnatal development of mouse pups.