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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2010;25(1):69-77.
삼릉 에탄올추출물의 in vitro 피부 미백 유효성
고주영, 김영철
1계명대학교 대학원 공중보건학과
2계명대학교 대학원 공중보건학과
Effectiveness of Scirpi rhizoma Ethanol Extract on Skin Whitening Using in vitro Test
Ju-Young Ko , Young-Chul Kim
  The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of Scirpi rhizoma ethanol extract (SREE) on skin whitening using in vitro test. In the anti oxidative activities, it was found that SREE contains 38.9㎎/g of polyphenol and 74.5 ㎎/g of flavonoid in total. In the electron donating ability, SREE showed a dose-dependent response, showing a high antioxidative capacity of 86.1% at 1000 ppm. It was found that the maximum permissible level of SREE to Melan-a cells was over 200 ppm, showing a quite low toxicity of SREE against Melan-a cells. Both in the inhibitory measurement for tyrosinase activity and melanogenesis using Melan-a cells, SREE presented a dose-dependent response with excellent efficacy.
Keywords: Scirpi rhizome; polyphenolic compound; tyrosinase activity; Melan-a cell; melanin content
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Effect of Scirpi rhizoma Ethanol Extract on Skin Whitening in an Animal Model of Brown Guinea Pigs  2009 September;24(3)
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