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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2010;25(1):41-55.
환경유래 식품오염물질의 우선순위 선정 기법 (Food-CRS-Korea)의 개발과 적용
양지연, 장지영, 김수환, 김윤관, 이효민, 신동천, 임영욱
1연세대학교 환경공해연구소
2연세대학교 환경공해연구소
3연세대학교 환경공해연구소
6연세대학교 환경공해연구소
7연세대학교 환경공해연구소
Development of Korean Food-Chemical Ranking and Scoring System (Food-CRS-Korea) and Its Application to Prioritizing Food Toxic Chemicals Associated with Environmental Pollutants
Jiyeon Yang , Jiyoung Jang , Soohwaun Kim , Yoonkwan Kim , Hyomin Lee , Dong-Chun Shin , Youngwook Lim
  The aims of this study were to develop the suitable ""system software"" in chemical ranking and scoring (CRS) for the food hazardous chemicals associated with environmental emission and to suggest the priority lists of food contamination by environmental-origined pollutants.
  Study materials were selected with reference to the priority pollutants list for environment and food management from domestic and foreign research and the number of study materials is 103 pollutants (18 heavy metals, 10 PBTs, 10 EDs, and 65 organic compounds). The Food-CRS-Korea system consisted of the environmental fate model via multimedia, transfer environment to food model, and health risk assessment by contaminated food intake. We have established that health risks of excess cancer risks, hazard quotients (HQs) by chronic toxicity and HQs by reproductive toxicity convert to score, respectively. The creditable scoring system was designed to consider uncertainty of quantitative risk assessment based on VOl (Value-Of-Information). The predictability of the Food-CRS-Korea model was evaluated by comparing the presumable values and the measured ones of the environmental media and foodstuffs.
  The priority lists based on emissions with background-level-correction are 15 pollutants such as arsenic, cadmium, and etc. The priority lists based on environmental monitoring date are 17 pollutants including DEHP, TCDD, and so on. Consequently, we suggested the priority lists of 13 pollutants by considering the several emis-sion and exposure scenarios. According to the Food-CRS-Korea system, arsenics, cadmium, chromes, DEHP, leads, and nickels have high health risk rates and reliable grades.
Keywords: food CRS; environmental pollutants; food transfer; priority; health risk
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