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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2010;25(1):27-40.
산업 도시의 산업단지 부지와 주거 지역의 대기 중 호흡성 분진과 구성 미량 원소의 특성
김모근, 신승호, 조완근
1경상북도 보건환경연구원
2경북대학교 환경공학과
3경북대학교 환경공학과
Characteristics of Atmospheric Respirable Particulate Matters and Trace Elements within Industrial Complex and Residential Sites in an Industrial City
Mo-Geun Kim , Seung-Ho Shin , Wan-Kuen Jo
  The current study was designed to scientifically evaluate the atmospheric particulate pollution in residences relative to their proximity to a Korean major iron/metal industrial complex (IMIC). This objective was achieved by measuring the concentrations and elemental composition of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters equal to or less than 10 ㎛ (PM10) in industrial ambient air from IMIC and residential ambient air with relative proximities to IMIC, The trace metals were analyzed using an inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES), The industrial mean values exceeded the Korean year/70-㎍/㎥ standard for PM10, whereas the residential mean values did not. However, the maximum residential values did exceed or were close to the Korean PM10 year standard. For individual elements, the ambient concentrations ranged widely from values in the order of a few ng/㎥ to thousands of ng/㎥. The residential mean mass concentrations in the PM10 measured in the present study were higher than or similar to those reported in earlier studies. This study suggests that residents in neighborhoods near the IMIC are exposedto elevated particulate levels compared to residents living further away from such a source.
Keywords: residential exposure; trace element; ICP-AES; iron/metal industrial complex; proximity
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