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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2009;24(4):293-301.
춘천지역 일부 주민들의 먹는물 중 미량금속 및 무기 음이온에 대한 노출
김희갑, 송진아, 송병열
강원대학교 환경과학과
Exposure of Selected Chuncheon Residents to Trace Metals and Inorganic Anions in Drinking Water
Hekap Kim , Jina Song , Byeongyeol Song
  This study was conducted to investigate the distribution of the concentrations of selected trace metals and inorganic anions in five types of drinking water samples (mineral spring water, well water, small community water, municipal tap water, and commercial mineral water) collected from Chuncheon, Gangwon-do in 2007. Forty four samples were analyzed for five metals and five anions using an atomic absorption spectrometer and an ion chromatograph, respectively. Arsenic (As) and nitrate (NO₃?) concentrations in some groundwater samples did not meet the future (10 ㎍/L) and current (44 ㎎/L) Korean drinking water standards, respectively. On the other hand, any municipal tap water samples, the sources of which were lake surface water, satisfied the Korean standards. Human health risk assessment results showed that arsenic in all types of water, especially groundwater including commercial mineral water, may pose both noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic effects on the residents. It is concluded that groundwater is not safe drinking water any longer and that a national survey and follow-up measures need to be taken.
Keywords: arsenic; contamination; drinking water; groundwater; nitrate
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