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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2009;24(3):219-229.
기니아 피그 동물모델에서 삼릉 에탄올추출물의 미백 효과
고주영, 최경화, 김영철
계명대학교 공중보건학과
Effect of Scirpi rhizoma Ethanol Extract on Skin Whitening in an Animal Model of Brown Guinea Pigs
Ju-Young Ko , Kyung-Hwa Choi , Young-Chul Kim
  The purpose of this study is to evaluate the skin whitening effect of Scirpi rhizama ethanol extract (SREE) in an animal model. For the experiment of the study, three brown guinea pigs weighing about 450 g to 550 g were exposed to ultraviolet-B rays on the backs at 500 mJ/㎠ once a week, three consecutive weeks and the total quantity of light was 1,500 mJ/㎠ The artificial tanning spots were divided into six different groups including normal (N), control (C), vehicle control (VC), positive control (PC). experimental 1 (E1, 1% SREE), experimental 2(E2, 2% SREE) groups. Then, 30?L of SREE was transdermaly applied on the artificial tanning spots twice a day and 5 days a week for 8 weeks. With the result of a gross observation, it was found that the degree of pigmentation became apparently thinner in the group applied with E2, compared to the control or the vehicle control group. The melanin index of E2 group was significant lower than the control or the vehicle control group. In the observation with a light microscope, it was found that the degree of melanin pigmentation and S-100 protein expression considerably decreased in the groups applied with SREE, compared to the control or the vehicle control group. With the numerical analysis of melanin pigmentation and S-100 protein expression by using image-analysis software, it was found that the tendency was coincide with the results of microscopic observation.
Keywords: brown guinea pig; melanin index; melanin pigmentation; S-100 protein
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Effectiveness of Scirpi rhizoma Ethanol Extract on Skin Whitening Using in vitro Test  2010 March;25(1)
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