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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2009;24(3):203-211.
다중 이용 건물 또는 지하 실내 공간의 용도에 따른 라돈 오염도 비교와 지하 공간의 시간대별 라돈 농도 변화
최임조, 신승호, 조완근
1대구광역시 보건환경연구원
3경북대학교 환경공학과
Evaluation of Radon Levels in Various Public-acess Buildings or Underground Facilities, and Their Temporal Variation in Underground Facilities
Im-Cho Choi , Seung-Ho Shin , Wan-Kuen Jo
  A lesser degree of research is available with respect to indoor radon characteristics associated with occupants" exposure. The present study evaluated the radon levels in several public-access buildings or underground facilities, and their temporal variation in underground facilities. Radon measurements were conducted in 2005 and 2006, utilizing a continuous radon detector. A solid alpha detector (RAD7) was utilized to measure indoor radon levels. The mean radon concentrations obtained from the building or facilities were in a descending order: platforms of Daegu subway line 2, 2005 (32 Bq/㎥), hot-air bathroom (14 Bq/㎥), basement of office building (14 Bq/㎥), underground parking garage (14 Bq/㎥), underground shop (12 Bq/㎥), nursery (10 Bq/㎥), platforms of Daegu subway line 2, 2006 (9.0 Bq/㎥), platforms of Daegu subway line 1, 2006 (8.9 Bq/㎥), supermarket (7.9 Bq/㎥), hospital (7.3 Bq/㎥), and second-floor of office building(5.7 Bq/㎥). In general, underground-level facilities exhibited higher radon levels as compared with ground-level facilities. It was suggested that ventilation is an important parameter regarding the indoor levels of a subway. There was a decreasing or increasing trend in hourly-radon levels in a subway, whereas no trend were observed in a basement of office building. In addition, the radon levels in the subway lines 1 and 2 varied according to the platforms. The radon levels in the present study were much lower than those of previous studies. The average annual effective dose (AED) of radiation from indoor radon exposure was estimated to be between 0.043 and 0.242 mSv/yr, depending on facility types. These AEDs were substantially lower than the worldwide average AED (2.4 mSv/yr).
Keywords: continuous radon detector; subway; ventilation; annual effective dose
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