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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2009;24(2):127-136.
Aluminum oxide, calcium oxide, sodium tetraborate 처리에 의한 설치류 골수세포의 소핵유발 연구
임경택, 김수진, 김종규, 강민구, 김현영, 양정선
한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 화학물질안전보건센터
A Study of Mammalian Erythrocyte Micronucleus Induction with Aluminum Oxide, Calcium Oxide, Sodium Tetraborate
Kyung-Taek Rim , Soo-Jin Kim , Jong-Kyu Kim , Min-Gu Kang , Hyeon-Yeong Kim , Jeong-Sun Yang
  We have investigated the genotoxicity of 3 chemicals, aluminum oxide, calcium oxide, sodium tetraborate using mammalian erythrocyte with micronucleus induction. It was performed using 9 week male ICR mice. At 24 hours after treatment with 3 chemicals with oral route, mice were sacrificed and bone marrow cells were prepared for smear slides. As a result of counting the micronucleated polychromatic erythrocyte (MNPCE) of 2,000 polychromatic erythrocytes (PCE), all treatment groups did not show statistically significant increase than negative control group. And there was no clinical sign related with injection of the 3 chemicals. It was concluded that the 3 chemicals did not induce micronucleus in the bone marrow cells of ICR mice, and these results indicate that the 3 chemicals have no mutagenic potential under the condition in each studies.
Keywords: mammalian; erythrocyte; micronucleus induction; aluminum oxide; calcium oxide; sodium tetraborate
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