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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2009;24(2):119-125.
원유의 WSF (Water Soluble Fraction)가 넙치, Paralicthys olivaceus의 초기생활사에 미치는 영향
신윤경, 조기채, 장덕종, 진영국
국립수산과학원 남해수산연구소
Effect of Crude Oil on Early Life Stage of the Flounder, Paralicthys olivaceus
Yun Kyung Shin , Kee Chae Cho , Deg Jong Jang , Young Guk Jin
  This study was carried out to investigate the toxic effect of WSF (water soluble fraction) in crude oil on the hatch, survival rate, abnormality and physiological activity of fertilized eggs and early larvae in Paralicthys olivaceus. The time required in hatching the fertilized eggs exposure to crude oil was 50.8~53.2 hours both in control group and experimental group, showing no significant difference (p>0.05). The hatching rate in the control group was more than 80% in 1.9 ㎍/mL WSF concentration, but hatching rate was less than 55.7% in below of 3.9 ㎍/mL WSF concentration, showing significant difference (p<0.05). The survival rate on the 3rd day of early larval stage was 61.96% with 1.9 ㎍/mL WSF, 11.1% with 3.9 ㎍/mL WSF, and they all died with other concentration levels. The oxygen consumption rate in experimental groups was lower than control group. The heart rate (no./min) was 47.4~52.8 before hatching and there was no significant difference between control group and experimental group, but heart rate reduced with the decrease of WSF concentration after hatching. The abnormality was 1.1% in the control group whereas 36.7% with 3.9 ㎍/mL WSF, and abnormality was mostly comprised of incomplete spinal formation and spinal curvature. The results of this study suggest that even low concentration to WSF affects the early development of the flounder, Paralicthys olivaceus.
Keywords: crude oil; Paralicthys olivaceus; survival; respiration; abnormality
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