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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2009;24(2):107-117.
중금속 노출에 따른 리파리 깔다구에서의 ADH 유전자의 발현 및 특성
박기연, 곽인실
전남대학교 수산해양학과
Characterization and Expression of Chironomus riparius Alcohol Dehydrogenase Gene under Heavy Metal Stress
Kiyun Park , Inn-Sil Kwak
  Metal pollution of aquatic ecosystems is a problem of economic and health importance. Information regarding molecular responses to metal exposure is sorely needed in order to identify potential biomarkers. To determine the effects of heavy metals on chironomids, the full-length cDNA of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH3) from Chironomus riparius was determined through molecular cloning and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The expression of ADH3 was analyzed under various cadmium and copper concentrations. A comparative and phylogenetic study among different orders of insects and vertebrates was carried out through analysis of sequence databases. The complete cDNA sequence of the ADH3 gene was 1134 bp in length. The sequence of C. riparius ADH3 shows a low degree of amino acid identity (around 70%) with homologous sequences in other insects. After exposure of C. riparius to various concentrations of copper, ADH3 gene expression significantly decreased within 1 hour. The ADH3 gene expression was also suppressed in C. riparius after cadmium exposure for 24 hour. However, the effect of cadmium on ADH3 gene expression was transient in C. riparius. The results show that the suppression of ADH3 gene by copper exposure could be used as a possible biomarker in aquatic environmental monitoring and imply differential toxicity to copper and cadmium in C. riparius larvae.
Keywords: Chironomus riparius; alcohol dehydrogenase; cadmium; copper; biomarker; aquatic biomonitoring
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