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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2008;23(4):257-265.
나노위해성 관리를 위한 나노물질 주요 배출원 파악
김영훈, 박준수, 김휘로, 이정진, 배은주, 이수승, 곽병규, 최경희, 박광식, 이종협
Investigation on the Main Exposure Sources of Nanomaterials for Nanohazards Assessment
Younghun Kim , Junsu Park , Hero Kim , Jeongjin Lee , Eunjoo Bae , Suseung Lee , Byoung Kyu Kwak , Kyunghee Choi , Kwangsik Park , Jongheop Yi
  Nanotechnology is emerging as one of the key technologies of the 21 st century and is expected to enable one to broaden the applicability across a wide range of sectors that can benefit public and improve industrial competitiveness. Already. consumer products containing nanomaterials are available in markets including coatings, computers, clothing, cosmetics, sports equipment and medical devices. Recently. Institute of Occupational Medicine in UK reported an occupational hygiene review for nanoparticles in the viewpoint of nanotoxicity. They reported that the exposure control is very important issues in workplace for exposure assessment. but no proper methods are available to measure the extent of exposures to nanoparticles in the workplace. Therefore, for the estimation of exposure of nanomaterials, we have to approach the material-balance methodology, which similarly carried out in TRI (toxic release inventory) for hazardous chemicals. In order to use this methodology, the exposure source of nanomaterials should be determined firstly. Therefore, herein we investigated the main sources and processes for the exposure to nanomaterals by conducting the survey. The results could be used to define and assess nanohazard sources.
Keywords: nanomaterials; exposure; risk assessment; nanohazards; consumer products
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