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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2008;23(1):41-45.
Fucoidan의 Oxy-radical 포획능 평가
김봉희, 오정민, 강건욱, 곽상훈, 윤세영, 이철호, 이현선, 김상겸
Evaluation of Oxy-radical Scavenging Capacity of Fucoidan
Bong-Hee Kim , Jung Min Oh , Keon Wook Kang , Sang Hoon Kwak , Sei Young Yun , Chul Ho Lee , Hyun Sun Lee , Sang Kyum Kim
  Algal fucoidan is a marine polysaccharide containing sulfur with a wide variety of biological activities including anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic effects. Although antioxidants can inhibit inflammatory signals through inhibiting activator protein-1 and/or nuclear factor-kappaB activation, it is obscure whether fucoidan directly scavenges oxy-radicals or indirectly regulates oxidant production and/or antioxidant defense system The antioxidant activities of fucoidan against peroxyl radicals, peroxynitrites and hydroxyl radicals were determined by the total oxy-radical scavenging capacity (TOSC) assay. The specific TOSC values of fucoidan against peroxyl radicals, peroxynitrites or hydroxyl radicals were 282±60, 43±1 or 40±1 TOSC/mg/mL, respectively. These specific TOSC values against peroxyl radicals, peroxynitrites or hydroxyl radicals are 23, 12, or 13% of the specific TOSC values of glutathione, a positive control, respectively. These results suggest that fucoidan has direct oxy-radical scavenging capacity, which may be related with anti-inflammatory effect of fucoidan.
Keywords: fucoidan; oxy-radicals; TOSC; oxidative stress
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