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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2007;22(4):299-304.
유기염소계 살충제의 대기-토양간 분배
최민규, 천만영
Distribution between Air-Soil Concentration of Organochlorine Pesticides
Min-Kyu Choi , Man-Young Chun
  This paper was studied to investigate the equilibrium state between organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) concentration of air and soil, and to know whether soil is a secondary pollution source of OCPs in air or not. The OCPs concentration of air (C<SUB>air</SUB>) and soil (C<SUB>soil</SUB>) is not related to molecular weight, vapor pressure (P<SUB>L.</SUB>) and octanol-air partition coefficient (K<SUB>oa</SUB>). The slope of the regression line between soil-air partition coefficient (K<SUB>sa</SUB>) and scavenging coefficient (C<SUB>soil</SUB>/C<SUB>air</SUB>) was 0.2952, which the OCPs concentration between air and soil did not reached to the equilibrium state. The soil/air fugacity quotients (f<SUB>soil</SUB>/f<SUB>air</SUB>) of p.p"-DDT/DDD/DDE and β-HCH (0.30~0.67), which is smaller than I, means the deposit of OCPs from air to soil. However, f<SUB>soil</SUB>/f<SUB>air</SUB> of heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, α/γ-chlordane, trans-nonachlor, endosulfan sulfate and α/γ-HCH (1.90~73.25), which is greater than I, means that soil is secondary pollution source of OCPs in air.
Keywords: organochlorine pesticides(OCPs); equilibrium; soil-air partition coefficient(K<; SUB>; sa<; /SUB>; )
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