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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2007;22(2):137-145.
카드뮴이 뇌혈관 내피세포에서의 E-cadherin 발현에 미치는 영향
석선미, 이태구, 김영채, 문창현, 백은주, 정이숙, 이수환
Cadmium-induced E-cadherin Expression in Cerebrovascular Endothelial Cells
Sun Mi Seok , Tae Gu Lee , Young-Chae Kim , Chang-Hyun Moon , Eun Joo Baik , Yi-Sook Jung , Soo Hwan Lee
  The effect of cadmium chloride (CdCl₂) on the expression of E-cadherin was examined in bEnd.3 mouse brain endothelial cells. CdCl₂ induced PGE₂ release, which were blocked by non-steroidal antiinflamatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as indomethacin and NS398 indicating the expression of COX-2 might contribute to PGE₂ production. CdCl₂ decreased the expression of E-cadherin, but not VE-cadherin at levels of mRNA and protein. Reduced expression level of E-cadherin was restored by NSAIDs, which was reversed by the addition of PGE₂. CdCl₂-induced decrease of E-cadherin level was also recovered by antioxidants including N-acetylcyteine (NAC) and trolox. Together with previous report which showed CdCl₂ induced COX-2 expression in a cellular oxidative stress dependent manner, these data suggest that CdCl₂ decreases E-cadherin expression through induction of cellular oxidative stress and in turn COX-2 expression in brain endothelial cells.
Keywords: cadmium; brain endothelial cell; E-cadherin; oxidative stress; cyclooxygenase-2
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Cadmium-induced COX-2 Expression in Cerebrovascular Endothelial Cells  2006 September;21(3)
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