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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2007;22(2):111-118.
대기 중에서 가스상 유기염소계 농약의 농도변화 패턴
최민규, 천만영
Variation Pattern of Gaseous Organochlorine Pesticides Concentration in Atmosphere
Min-Kyu Choi , Man-Young Chun
  This study was performed to measure gaseous Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs : heptachlor epoxide, α/γ-chlordane, trans-nonachlor, endosulfan, γ-HCH and p, p′-DDE) concentration using PUF high volume sampler from June, 2000 to June, 2002 in the semi-rural atmosphere.
  Using monitoring data for two years, we tried to investigate the annual cycles of gaseous OCPs. We considered three functions to describe the annual cycle: Gaussian, Lorentzian and sinusoidal functions. These functions accounted for 54~91% of the variability in concentration for each gaseous OCPs, and the sinusoidal function gave the best fits. It was seen that the gaseous OCPs concentration increased during the warmer weather while decreased during colder weather. The variation of the gaseous OCPs concentration was closely similar to the variations of ambient temperature. The annual cycle of endosulfan was strongly higher than in comparison with other gaseous OCPs, while for γ-HCH, the cycle was weakly high and did not show apparent seasonal variation. The position of the annual maximum exists generally late July to early August. The period that showed levels more than a half maximum was from late June to early September.
Keywords: Gaseous organochlorine Pesticides(OCPs); variation pattern; annual cycle; ambient temperature
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