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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2006;21(3):283-289.
2005년 한국에서 시판된 먹는 샘물의 미생물 오염
김윤아, 이도경, 유경미, 강병용, 하남주
Assessment of Bacterial Contamination of Bottled Water in Korea, 2005
Yun A Kim , Do Kyung Lee , Kyoung Mi Yu , Byung Yong Kang , Nam Joo Ha
  In recent years, there has been an increase in consumer demand for bottled waters. There is a perception that consumption of natural mineral water represents a healthy life style and that these products are relatively safe. In this study, the microbiological quality of 39 samples of bottled water, purchased from retail store in Korea, was investigated during the 2005. Applying pour plate method, the 1 mL of water samples were analyzed for the presence and enumeration of total general bacteria and Pseudomonas spp.. Nineteen samples representing 9 brands of bottled water contained general bacteria (1.54×10<SUP>2</SUP> CFU/mL). In addition four samples contained Pseudomonas spp. and Comamonas acidovorans. The susceptibility of the strains tested against 25 antimicrobial agents, Pseudomonas fluorescens were resistant to Lincomycin, Amoxacilin/Clavulanic acid and Cefazolin (>100 ?g/mL). Also Comamonas acidovorans were intermediate to Cephalothin and resistant to Cefoperazone.
Keywords: Bottled water; MIC and Pseudomonas spp
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