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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2006;21(3):229-238.
혈 중 수은 농도와 건강 및 생활요인과의 관련성
호문기, 임영욱, 임종한, 양지연, 신동천
Association between Blood Mercury Concentration and Factor of Health/Life
Moon-Ki Ho , Young-Wook Lim , Jong-Han Lim , Ji-Yeon Yang , Dong-Chun Shin
  Although, mercury (Hg) is not a naturally abundant element in the environment, residues frequently occur in many environmental compartments because of widespread contamination from industrial and agricultural practices. This research evaluated Hg-B concentrations of general population who was not occupationally exposed. And also evaluates the association between life factor and health effect with Hg-B concentration of general adult through interrelationship estimation and index about kidney function and oxidative damage that appeared by questionnaire survey and medical examination. Average concentration of Hg-B was 3.19 ?g/L (ND~8.64 ?g/L), and persons who exceed mercury exposure level (5 ?g/L) presented in WHO (1990) appeared by 16 (7.0%). High-risk group (smoking and meat main intake group) had significantly higher Hg-B concentration than low-risk group (non-smoking and vegetable diet main intake group) (p?0.05, low-risk group: 3.30 ?g/L (ND~8.64 ?g/L), high-risk group: 4.27 ?g/L (ND~7.84 ?g/L)
Keywords: Hg-B; health effect; kidney function; oxidative damage life factor
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