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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2005;20(4):333-341.
Comet assay 를 이용한 갯지렁이 (Perinereis aibuhitensis) 의 혈구세포에 대한 유전독성 평가
서진영, 성찬경, 최진우, 이창훈, 류태권, 한기명, 김기범
Evaluation of Genotoxicity in Blood Cells of a Polychaetous Worm (Perinereis aibuhitensis), Using Comet Assay
Jin Young Seo , Chan Gyoung Sung , Jin Woo Choi , Chang Hoon Lee , Tae Kwon Ryu , Gi Myung Han , Gi Beum Kim
In order to know whether polychaetes could be used as an appropriate organism for the detection of genotoxicity, DNA strand breaks were evaluated in blood cells of a nereidae worm (Perinereis aibuhitensis) exposed to various aquatic chemical pollutants (e.g. Cd, Pb, Pyrene, Benzo[a]pyrene). Hydrogen peroxide increased DNA strand breaks up to the highest concentration (10 μM). Higher concentration than 0.1 μM showed a significantly more DNA damage than control. Cadmium and lead also showed higher DNA damage than control, over 1.0 and 1 ㎍/L, respectively. In case of pyrene, DNA damage was detected even at 0.001 ㎍/L. However, DNA damage decreased due to apoptosis at the highest concentration of pyrene and Pb. This study suggested that the polychaetous blood cells could be used effectively for screening genotoxic contaminants in the environment.
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