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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2005;20(1):75-85.
L6 근육세포에서 포도당 수송능에 미치는 CdCl₂의 영향
강동희, 길이룡, 박광식, 이병훈, 문창규
Effects of Cadmium on Glucose Transport in L6 Myocytes
Donghee Kang , Lee-Yong Khil , Kwangsik Park , Byung-Hoon Lee , Chang-Kiu Moon
This study was aimed to know the effect of cadmium chloride (CdCl₂) on glucose transport in L6 myotube and its action mechanism. CdCl2 increased the 2-deoxy- (1-³H)-D-glucose (2-DOG) uptake 1.9 and 2.4 fold at 10 and 25μM respectively. To investigate the stimulating-mechanism of glucose transport induced by CdCl2, the wortmannin and PD98059 were used as PI3K (phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase) inhibitor and MAPK inhibitor respectively, which did not affect 2-DOG uptake. This fact suggests that CdCl2 induced 2-DOG uptake may not be concerned to the insulin signalling pathway. Whereas nifedipine, a calcium channel blocker, and trifluoperazine, a calmodulin inhibitor, were found to inhibit the 2-DOG uptake stimulted by CdCl₂. In addition, we also measured the ROS (reactive oxygen species) production and GSH level in L6 myotube to investigate the correlation between the glucose uptake and ROS. CdCl₂(25μM) increased ROS generation approximately 1.5 fold and changed the cellular GSH level, but GSSG/GSH ratio remained unchanged. CdCl₂-stimulated 2-DOG uptake and ROS generation were inhibited by N-acetylcystein. And BSO pretreatment, a potent inhibitor of γ-GCS, resulted in the dramatic decrease of 2-DOG uptake and also the increase of the sensitivity to cadmium cytotoxicity. The obtained results suggest that CdCl₂-stimulated glucose uptake might be based on the activation of HMP shunt as an antioxidant defense mechanism of the cells.
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