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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2004;19(4):375-382.
산업폐수처리장 방류수의 내분비계 장애작용 평가
오승민, 김기서, 유병택, 장형석, 이희성, 정규혁
Endocrine Disrupting Effects of the Industrial Wastewater Effluents Discharged from the Treatment Plant
Seung-Min Oh , Gi-Suh Kim , Byung Taek Ryu , Hyung Seog Jang , Hee-Snng Lee , Kyu-Hyuck Chung
This study was designed to investigate potential endocrine disrupting effects of several industrial wastewater effluents discharged from cosmetic, plaiting, paint, textile industry using EROD bioassay and E-Screen assay The results of E-screen assay showed that textile industrial wastewater could act as a full agonist and cosmetics and plaiting industrial wastewater could act as a partial agonist On the contrary, the wastewater discharged from paint industry did not show any estrogenic effect Estrogenic activity in the effluents of cosmetic and paint Industrial wastewater was lower than that in the influents indicating that the wastewater treatment process mimmized the effects of discharges on water quality Despite of these results, It was recognized that wastewater treatment was not always minimize toxic Impact In this study, increased estrogenic effect was observed in the effluents of plating and textile wastewater, and EROD activity was increased in the effluents of cosmetic and plating wastewater
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