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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2004;19(4):367-373.
Mancozeb의 아급성 노출이 마우스의 면역병리학적 인자 및 비장세포 증식능에 미치는 영향
표명윤, 정애희
Effects of Subacute Oral Administration of Mancozeb on the Immunopathological Parameters and Splenocytes Proliferation in Mice
Myoung-Yun Pyo , Ae-Hee Cheong
Mancozeb, a polymcric complex of zinc and manganese salts of ethylene bisthiocarbamate (EBDC), is used widely in agriculture as fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides Mancozeb can be occupationally and environmentally exposed to human and has been reported to induce estrogenic activity, therein It is consideied as an endocune disrupter After female ICR mice were treated Mancozeb orally at the doses of 250, 1,000 and 1,500 mg/kg/day for consecutive 30day, we investigated the effects of Mancozeb on the Immunopathological parameters (body-, thymus-, spleen-, liver- and kidny-weight, splenic cellularity, hematological parameters) and mitogen (Con A, LPS)-induced splenocyte proliferation (SP) Liver- and kidney-weight were increased, but body-and thymus-weight, number of splenocytes and WBC were decreased, when compared with control group When splenocytes Isolated from the mice exposed to Mancozeb for 30 days were cultured in presence of mitogens, the SP against Con A was significantly and dose-dependently decieased and the SP against LPS was also slightly decreased Our present results indicate that subacute exposure of Mancozeb to mice might show Iminunotoxic effect
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Effects of Subacute Oral Administration of Bisphenol A on the IgM-PFC and Proliferation of Splenocytes in Mice  2003 September;18(3)
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