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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2004;19(4):335-344.
디젤분진이 체세포에서의 DNA 손상에 미치는 영향
허찬, 김남이, 정규혁, 문창규, 허문영
Genotoxic Effects of Diesel Exhaust Particle Extract in NIH/3T3 Cells
Chan Heo , Nam Yee Kim , Kyu-Hyuck Chung , Chang-Kiu Moon , Moon Young Heo
Diesel exhaust particle (<25㎛, DEP25)is known to be probarbly carcinogenic (IARC group 2A) DEP25 contains organic compounds such as polycyclicaiomatic hydrocarbon (PAH), heterocyclic compounds, phenols, and nitroarenes Reactive oxygen species (ROS) arc generated by DEP25 without any biological activation system Therefore, an alternative mechanism by which DEP25 could be carcinogenic is known by the generation of oxidative DNA damage The aim of this study was to investigate genotoxic effects of DEP25 using single cell gel electrophoresis In order to evaluate the mechanisms of DEP25 genotoxicity, the rat micro-some mediated and DNA repair enzyme treated comet assays together with routine comet assay were performed DEP25 was collected from diesel engine bus and dichloromethane extract was, obtained The organic extiact of DEP25 revealed DNA damage itself in NIH/3T3 cells And It showed both oxidative and microsome mediated DNA damages Vitamin C as an model antioxidant reduced DNA damage in endonuclase III treated comet assay One of flavonod, galangin as a CYPIAI inhibitor reduced DNA damage in the presence of 5-9 mixture Our results show that DEP25 are genotoxic and a great source of oxidative stress, but antioxidants can significantly reduce oxidative DNA damages And DEP25 may contain indirect mutagens which can be inhibited by CYP inhibitors
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