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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2004;19(1):81-91.
대기중 유해 화학 물질의 인체 위해도 우선순위 선정 연구
박화성, 김예신, 이동수, 신동천
Human Health Risk based Priority Ranking for Hazardous Air Pollutants
Hoa-sung Park , Ye-shin Kim , Dong-soo Lee , Dong-chun Shin
Although it is suggested that risk-based management plan is needed to manage air pollution effectively, we have no resources enough to evaluate all aspects of substances and set priorities. So we need to develop a logical and easy risk-based priority selling method. However. it is impossible that only one generic system that is consistent with all the use is developed. In this study, we proposed a human health risk based priority-selling method for hazardous air pollutants, and ranked priorities for this method. First of all, after investigating previous chemical ranking and scoring systems, we chose appropriate indicators and logics to goal of this study and made a chemical priority ranking method using these. As results, final scores in priority ranking method were derived for 25 substances, and ethylene oxide, acrylonitrile ami vinyl chloride were included in high ranks. In addition, same substances were highly ranked when using default values like when using no default, but the scores of hydrofluoric acid and cyan and compounds were sensitive to default values. This study could be important that priorities were set including toxicity type and quality and local inherent exposure conditions and we can set area-specific management guidelines and survey plans as a screening tool.
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