Environmental risk assessment of cadmium compounds was conducted ulsing national monitoring data of aquatic and terrestrial compartments of local area. Aquatic anti terrestrial toxicities of cadmium compounds on algae, daphnid, fish, earthworm, springtails and other species were evaluated. The toxicity data evaluated ill this study were mainly from ECOTOX database provided by US EPA. Assessment factors were determined according to thc EU technical guidance document and/or OECD proposal. Predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) values of aquatic and terrestrial toxicity were 25 ㎍/L and n.2 ㎎/㎏, respectively and they were compared with cadmium exposure data of several local areas, which were used as Predicted exposure concentration (PEC) values. Most of the local area were found to be not risky. However, the risk values (PEC/PNEC) of some metropolitan areas were greater than 1 when thc most conservative PNEC value was applied.