Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2004;19(1):1-24.
국내 폐기물 소각시설 배출가스와 소각재, 환경 매질, 식품 및 인체에서 검출된 다이옥신 농도수준 및 이성질체 유형 특성
김수진, 박소영, 최승필, 이동수
PCDD/Fs Levels and Congener Pattern Characteristics in Stack Gas and Fly Ash from Waste Incinerators, Environmental Media, Food, and Human Tissues: An Overview
Since dioxins became a serious concern ill Korea. a significant number or investigations have been conducted to address diverse issues related to dioxins. However. the results have not been organized for ready access and use. The principal purposes of this work were to i) provide all archive of dioxin researches in Korea and ⅱ) give an overview of dioxin contamination. The focus of this work was placed on the contamination levels and characteristics concerning thc waste incinerators emissions. environmental media. ami biological samples (fishes/shellfishes. foods. and human body). Principal component analysis was conducted to identify common and/or unique features and the important variables associated with the congener patterns. From a comprehensive search of academic journals, research and monitoring project reports. dissertations. and periodicals of other forms. a total of 115 counts were found that met the purposes of this study. The contamination levels of various samples were summarized and compared to those reported in foreign literatures. The congener patterns varied largely with environmental media and distinguished particularly by OCDD, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-HpCDF, and OCDF for the samples within the same media. The proximity to emission sources differentiated the congener patterns in air anti soil samples by the fraction of OCDD.