To investigate the effects of low dosed microcystin-LR(MCLR) on the initial stage of subacute hepatotoxicity in vivo, male Sprague-Dawley rats after weanling were divided in four groups. The orally treated group(OG) was administered orally by 1㎍/kg B.W. at an interval of three days. The free group(FG) has taken the drinking water including 1㎍/L freely and the control group(CG) was only treated with 0.9% saline solution. All groups were treated for a period of 3 weeks. There was a significant correlation in body growth rate between OG and FG and especially, a deterioration of the growth of spleen was observed in the FG after 5 days. The protein levels were also decreased in OG and FG after 9 days. Level of total fat was increased to the 9th day but again decreased up to the initial level. High hemolysis of the isolated erythrocytes occurred only in OG. Activities of γ-GT of OG and FG were higher twice-fold than CG, but the values of OG were already higher at the first treatment day. No significant change in aspartate aminotransferase(AST) activity was shown in all groups, but the activity of alanine aminotransferase(ALT) was slightly increased at the beginning state. There were much similarities in the results of OG and FG, except the growth inhibition of spleen in FG. It may be concluded that long-term effects of the low doses of mycrocystins in animals including human being can lead to serious health problems, especially to liver and spleen.