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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2003;18(4):237-242.
흡연과 낮은 방사선 피폭량이 Lymphocyte DNA 손상에 미치는 영향
신현길, 김윤주, 권은혜, 육진영, 최수용
The Influence of Smoking and Low Dose Radiation Exposure to Damage of the Lymphocyte DNA
Heuyn-Kil Shin , Yun-Joo Kim , Eun-Hye Kwon , Jin-Young Yook , Soo-Yong Choi
Single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) was used to the experiment with the variation on the amount of smoking and low dose radiation exposure to find how much the Lymphocyte DNA was damaged, and especially for whom smoke a lot (about 20 or more than 20 cigarettes a day) it was found to be highly damaged. While, the damage of 'not more than 20 cigarettes a day' was found to be not so much significant as like for whom smoke about or more than 20 cigarettes a day. And, according to the different amount of the radiation exposure, the Lymphocyte DNA was found to be considerably damaged for 0~13 m Sv (P<0.01), it was not able to prove the relationship between the DNA damage and the radiation exposure.
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