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Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2003;18(2):155-163.
Fluoranthene 독성에 기인하는 비정상적 어류행동의 신경생화학적 분석
Neurobiochemical Analysis of Abnormal Fish Behavior Caused by Fluoranthene Toxicity
Sung-Woo Shin 외 5명
Fluoranthene, a common polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), exhibits phototoxicity which may affect aquatic organisms. The eventual goal of this study is to develop a biomarker of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) used in monitoring hazardous chemicals in the ecosystem. In this study we investigated neural toxicity of fluoranthene in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) along with comparative analysis of corresponding behavioral responses. The untreated individuals showed normal behavioral characteristics (i.e., smooth and linear movements). The treated fish, however, showed stopping and abrupt change of orientation (100 ppb), and severely reduced locomotive activity and enhanced surfacing activity (1,000 ppb). Treatment of the medaka fish with fluoranthene caused a significant suppression of acetylcholine esterase (AChE) activities in the body portion but not in the head portion. When fish were exposed to 1,000 pph of fluoranthene for 24hr, the body AChE activities decreased from 126.±31.89(nmules substrate hydrolyzed per min per mg protein) tu 49,51±11.99. Expressions of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) protein in the different organs from both head and body portions were comparatively analyzed using an immunohistochemical technique. Five organs of the medaka fish showing a strong TH protein expression were the olfactory bulb, hypothalamus, optic lobe, pons and myelencephalon regions. This study provides molecular and neurobehavioral bases of a biomonitoring system for toxic chemicals using fish as a model organism.
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Neurobiochemical Analysis of Abnormal Fish Behavior Caused by Copper Toxicity  2003 June;18(2)
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