Benzoic acid is produced about 700 tons/year in Korea as of 1998 survey. Most is used as a stabilizer in the processes of synthesis of pharmaceuticals and dyes. It is also used for ingradient of paint, disinfections, and antifungals. Due to the antioxidant activity of benzoic acid. the chemical is also used as food preservatives. Although the chemical is widely used in Korea, exposure levels in air, water, soil or sediment have not been monitored or estimated so that risk evaluation of benzoic acid was not possible. In this study. distribution of the chemical among environmental media was estimated using EQC model based on the chemical-physical properties. In Level Ⅰ and Ⅱ of which the chemical are hypothesized in equilibrium and no transfer through the media, more than 93% of benzoic acid are estimated to be distributed in water. However, io Level Ⅲ of which non-equilibrium and intermedia transfer could be occurred, the chemical is estimated to distributed to soil, 64% and water, 35% as of total amount.