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Korean Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2002;17(3):219-224.
TBT의 노출에 따른 넙치, Paralichthys olivaceus의 생존, 성장 및 산소소비의 변화
강주찬, 황운기, 지정훈
Changes of Survival, Growth and Oxygen Consumption in the Oliver Flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus Exposed to TBT
Ju-Chan Kang , Un-Gi Hwang , Jung-Hoon Jee
This study was carried out to examine the effects of bis (tribytyltin)oxide (TBT), endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs), on the changes of survival, growth and oxygen consumption rate in the oliver flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Oliver Flounders were exposed to sublethal concentration of TBT (0, 1.67, 3.20, 6.30 and 12.50㎍/L) during 6 weeks. Survival rate was decreased in a concentration and exposure period-dependent way and suddenly the reduction of more than 20% occurred at TBT concentration greater than 3.20 IlglL after exposure 6 weeb. GroWth rate and feed efficiency significantly decreased at concentration greater than 3.20 ㎍/L, Oxygen consumption rate was also decreased in a concentration-dependent way and significantly decreased to 17,48 and 67% than that of the control at the TBT concentration of 3,20, 6.32 and 12.50 ㎍/L, respectively. This study revealed that high TBT concentration (≥ 3.20 ㎍/L) reduced growth and oxygen consumption rates of the juvenile oliver flounder suggesting potential influence on the natural mortality of Paralichthys olivaceus in the coastal areas.
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