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Korean Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2002;17(1):29-35.
종자 발아율 지표 및 초기 묘조 성장에 의한 다환방향족탄화수소의 식물 독성 측정
김용범, 정용
Phyto-toxicological Effects of PAHs on the Germination and Growth of Alfalfa, Barley, and Tall Fescue
Yong-Bum Kim , Yong Chung
The test of germination has been used as a good indicator to assess the toxicity of chemicals to plant. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of PAHs, anthracene and phenanthrene, on germination ratio, gennination index and germination time of barley, tall fescue and alfalfa. Anthracene and phenathrene induced to decrease the seedling length and increase the germination time of the experimental plants. But they did not affect the maximum germination ratio. While it was not correlated between seedling length and final germination ratio, it was shown a close relationship between seedling length and mean germination time of the plants. These results suggested that the mean of germination time and seedling growth could be useful to exmine the phyto-toxicological effect of PAHs. The mixture of anthracene and phenanthrene was examined to investigate the combined effect on seedling length; the mixture induced the reduction of seedling. This was meant that the mixture toxidty of PAHs might be not shown in the sum of each chemical toxicity.
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