Korean Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2001;16(4):205-209.
환경독성 평가를 위한 좀개구리밥(Lemna gibba)의 성장저해시험법에 관한 연구
Use of Duckweed (Lemna gibba) Growth-Inhibition Test to Evaluate the Toxicity of Chromate in Korea
Lemna gibba was newly cultured and provided for toxicity tests. In this study, the chromate toxicity tests for Lemna gibba were performed according to the OECD Lemna growth inhibition test guideline. The test species was Lemna gibba, and the tests were repeated 5 times. To evaluate the toxicity test results, the average specific growth rate, EC50, 95% confidential limit, and variances were calculated. The test performance was analyzed by the doubling time and test statistics. The average values of EC50 data determined by logistic and linear interpolation curves were 25.9 ppm and 35.4 ppm respectively (by chromate concentration). The doubling time of all controls were below 2.5 day, so all tests passed the criteria for the test performance. This study introduced a new test method, Lemna growth inhibition test, which is provided for the hazard assessment of aquatic environment.