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Korean Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2001;16(4):189-196.
국내 사용 농약을 대상으로 한 HPLC 방법에 의한 옥탄올/물 분배계수 추정법의 적용성 검토
Applicability of the HPLC Method for the Estimation of Octanol/water Partition Coefficient to Pesticides of Domestic Use
Octanol/water partition coefficients of 52 chemicals were calculated using RP-HPLC estimation method and predicted by computer program, PCHEM. The result showed relationship between literature values and RP-HPLC observed values (relative coefficient r²=0.916), but the relationship of PCHEM values with literature values was lower than RP-HPLC value (relative coefficient r²=0.795). The average difference in partition coefficient between the RP-HPLC method and flask-shaking method was log Kow = 0.54, while the average difference between the values predicted form the computer program and flask-shaking method was log Kow = 0.36. Compared to octanol/water partition coefficients by 3 methods (Flask-shaking, RP-HPLC, computer prediction), the octanol/water partition coefficient values based on the flask-shaking method were very similar to the literature values, while the octanol/water partition coefficient values by RP-HPLC method without to consider the dead time, and computer prediction values did not significantly differ with the literature values.
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Slow-Stirring Methods for Determining the n-Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient(Pow) of Highly Hydrophobic Chemicals  2005 December;20(4)
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