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Korean Journal of Environmental Toxicology 2001;16(4):161-170.
대구지역 금호강 및 주요 지천 퇴적물의 시·공간적 독성변화
Temporal and Spatial Change of Sediment Toxicity in Keumho River and its Major Influents, Taegu, Korea
In aqueous ecosystems, the level of toxicity is highly responsive dependant to multiple variables, including rainfall, sunlight, pH, adhesion, etc. Because Korea has particularly distinct wet and dry seasons, the toxicity of pollutants in rivers or streams is dependant on the sampling season and time. In order to examine the effects of rainfall on toxicity, sediment samples were collected from five sites along the Keumho river. It was found that Microtox toxicity levels were generally higher during the dry season than the wet season. It indicated that river pollutants are carried off more quickly by the water during the wet season. As a result, it was recommended that the point sources of pollutants of the Keumho river would be placed between KH3 (Paldalgyo) and KH4 (Keumhogyo), KH4 (Keumhogyo) and KH5 (Dasa).
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