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무기비소에 의한 확률론적 위해도 평가 ( A Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Inorganic Arsenic )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1998;13(2):95-104. Published online January 1, 1986
87 |
Cis - Diaminocyclohexane을 배위자로 하는 백금 ( II ) 착체의 선택적 세포독성 ( Selective Cytotoxicity Platinum ( II ) Complex Contaning Carrier Ligand of cis - 1 , 2 - Diaminocyclohexane )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1998;13(2):87-94. Published online January 1, 1986
77 |
LAS의 염소와 반응에 의한 클로로포롬 생성 모델 ( Models for Formation of Chloroform by Reaction of Linear Alkylbenzenesulfonate with Free Chlorine )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1998;13(2):77-85. Published online January 1, 1986
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중기발암성시험기법을 이용한 Carbendazim의 간발암성 검색 ( Hepatocarcinogenic Screening of Carbendazim Using Medium - term Carcinogenicity Bioassay )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1998;13(2):71-75. Published online January 1, 1986
63 |
ALT ( Alanine Aminotransferase ) 검사성적과 E형 간염항체 양성률간의 관련성 ( The Correlation between ALT ( Alanine Aminotransferase ) Value and Prevalence of Anti - HEV )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1998;13(2):63-70. Published online January 1, 1986
55 |
Benzoazole계 화합물이 glutathione - S - transferases의 유도발현에 미치는 영향 ( The Expression of Rat Hepatic Glutathione - S - Transferases by Benzoazoles )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1998;13(2):55-61. Published online January 1, 1986
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단치소요산이 구속 스트레스를 가한 흰쥐의 뇌내 catecholamine 함량변화에 미치는 영향 ( Effect of Danchisoyosan on Catecholamine Level in Rat Brain Applied to Immobilization Stress )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1998;13(2):143-149. Published online January 1, 1986
133 |
조류의 Methylglyoxal과 인 Stress 연구 ( Study of Methylglyoxal and Phosphorus Stress on Algae )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1998;13(2):133-142. Published online January 1, 1986
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오미자성분 Schzandrin의 Cisplatin유도 신장 독성에 대한 억제효과 ( Inhibitory Effect of Schizandrin on Nephrotoxicity of Cisplatin )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1998;13(2):125-131. Published online January 1, 1986
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Paraquat 독성에 대한 Schizandrin의 억제효과 ( Inhibitory Effect of Schizandrin on Toxicity of Paraquat )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1998;13(2):117-123. Published online January 1, 1986
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Paraquat 유도독성에 대한 Ginkgo biloba Extract의 독성경감효과 ( I ) ( Scavenging Effects of Ginkgo biloba Extract on Paraquat Induced Toxicity )
Kor J Environ Toxicol. 1998;13(2):105-115. Published online January 1, 1986